Nefertiti Lift
Nefertiti Lift
This page is intended to give honest and clear advice to our readers and does not promote a prescription product.
What is the Nefertiti Treatment Used For?
- Jawline lacking definition
- Vertical lines on your neck
- Loose Jowls
Am I Suitable for a Nefertiti Treatment?
Nefertiti Neck injections cannot compete with a surgical neck lift. If you have deep lines and a sagging neckline, this procedure will not give you the results you expect. Dr. Hamilton will only perform a Nefertiti on patients whom he honestly feels will benefit aesthetically from this procedure.
The best age for a Nefertiti Lift is between the ages of 35-55 years. For patients over 60 years, Dr. Mark would advise a consultation with an aesthetic plastic surgeon with a view to their suitability for a surgical neck procedure.
His aim is to always recommend the best treatment plan to help meet patients’ expectations. This may NOT be the exact procedure they request as he is totally focused on their best medical and aesthetic interests.
Dr. Hamilton’s number one role is honesty and to be upfront about the limitations of his non- surgical aesthetics treatments.
What Does a Nefertiti Tightening Treatment involve?
A series of injections are precisely administered into the Neck and Jawline to provide an uplift effect.
- The Lower Jaw Line– a series of tiny injections are inserted along the jawline to relax the upper Platysma, which pulls down on the jawline area. The effect is to reduce the downward pull of the Platysma on your face, resulting in a lifted appearance and improve jawline definition.
- Neck Area Muscles- Neck Bands are treated to relax the Platysma muscle and smooth out the bands.
Other areas often treated in conjunction with the Nefertiti lift include the DAO and Masseter muscles. Injecting the DAO (Depressor Anguli Oris) reduces some of the downward pull on the corners of the mouth and can raise the corners of the mouth by about one mm. Injections into the Masseter slims down this muscle and provides a more heart shaped face rather than a masculine square jaw.
Is it Safe?
In the hands of a well-trained experienced practitioner, the treatment of this area is very safe.
As a qualified surgeon with maxillofacial surgery experience, Dr. Mark has over 22 years clinical expertise injecting the Masseter and Platysma muscles.
Dr. Mark advises “ It is important to have this work done by a physician who is experienced and who has a good understanding of the anatomy of the neck”.
Results and Treatment Frequency
Results will take up to 2 weeks and last 3-4 months. To maintain the appearance of a lifted and tighter jaw and neckline, patients usually need to undergo treatments about three times a year.
If I am suitable – how will it work for me?
The results of this treatment are very subtle. Patients with severe sagging jowls/ jawline will require a more invasive surgical procedure.
Downtime : The skin on the neck is very thin and delicate, injection marks will be visible for a few days
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