Brow Lift
Brow Lift
This blog is intended to give honest and clear advice to readers and does not promote prescription products. In order to help educate the public about are their options when considering a non-surgical procedure, we’ve put together this information to explain what goes into bringing you aesthetic treatments you can trust.
Dr. Mark Hamilton regularly performs non-surgical brow lifts with aesthetic injections. The procedure raises your natural eyebrow arch a few millimetres higher leaving your eyes looking wider and more youthful.
Brow lifts are an art and you need to seek out the services of a specialist in this area. If the injections are placed incorrectly, it can actually flatten the brow arch and could lead to droopy eyelids.
Brow elevation works best when the Glabella, Frontalis and laugh lines are injected. You will get a certain level of brow elevation when either of these areas are treated alone.
It is important to inject the correct areas to avoid drooping of the brow itself.
The best injection areas for each patient is bespoke and would be decided between you and Dr. Hamilton at your consultation.
Non-surgical brow lifts can be achieved using either injections which tighten the forehead and elevate the eyebrow or by injecting HA dermal fillers under the eyebrow to provide the appearance of a lifted brow.
Deciding whether they might be used separately or together depends on the aesthetic results you want and of course your budget!
Muscle Relaxing Injections for Brow Lift
Some patients have eyebrows that appear pulled down which gives them a frowning look. These patients usually get a good improvement by using anti-wrinkle injections.
Dermal Filler Injections to create a Brow Lift
Patients with a deep-set sunken look to their eyes and who have lost fat under their brows can benefit from HA dermal filler injections. Filler can make the area under your brow look plumper and more natural whilst provide a slight lift.
Other patients will benefit more from using a combination of anti-wrinkle injections and fillers.
Non-surgical brow lift injections require little recovery time and have fewer risks than surgical procedures.
These injections will offer a temporary solution to a problem brow and the effects are fully reversible.
The brow lift effect lasts 3 to 4 months, depending on your metabolism or immune system.
Liquid Brow Lifts do not lift as much as surgery.
Older patients will NOT benefit as much form these type of injections.
Brow Lift injections are charged in two ways: either by the number of units injected or by area.
For a brow lift, your doctor may use slightly more injections. The cost of the units of product required for a brow lift is equal to one or two treatment areas.